When couples tie the knot, some often consider prenuptial agreements as a safeguard for their assets. These legal documents, signed before marriage, outline how property and finances will be divided if the union ends in divorce. However, life is unpredictable and...
Focusing On Family Law – And You
Firm News
Four ways to maximize your chances of receiving alimony
The financial implications of your divorce can be significant. The property division process alone can leave you without many of the assets you’ve come to rely upon, and your retirement accounts can be depleted to the point that you’re unsure if you’ll be able to...
Should I fight to keep our family home?
One big question divorcing couples in the Long Beach area will likely face is who will remain in the family home. Most of the time, spouses will divide their family home according to the community property laws of California. Basically, this means the value of the...
A summary dissolution can ease the divorce process
Divorce is often viewed as a long and difficult process in California. With the long list of obstacles that must be overcome to end the marriage, it can be time-consuming and costly personally, financially and emotionally. However, not everyone needs to have a long...
What you need to know about a child custody evaluation
Child custody disputes that play out in court are oftentimes referred for a child custody evaluation. While either party can request this evaluation, the court sometimes orders it on its own since it wants an objective assessment of the family’s dynamics and what’s...
How does the type of custody order impact a parental relocation?
After a divorce or a relationship has ended, the parties might choose to move to a different location. In California, those who share a child need to understand how the child custody and parenting time arrangement will be affected by this. A parent wanting to relocate...
Why January is sometimes called divorce month
Choosing to divorce is never easy. Even after deciding that divorce is the best option, how to tell your spouse, and when, is difficult. January is sometimes called “divorce month” because a high number of divorce filings tend to occur then. International...
Domestic violence and child custody
Domestic violence is intolerable, and you should not put up with it. It is not safe or healthy, and you deserve better. Unfortunately, abusers will often do anything they can to continue abusing even after their partners have left. Indeed, research shows that over 90%...
Property division and the spousal fiduciary duty
There’s nothing pleasant about going through a divorce; it can be a trying time for everyone involved. If you’re lucky, your divorce will be amicable and you’ll be able to work through the various issues with your spouse. But many divorces are contested and, when they...
Enforcing an order for spousal support
Most Californians who have endured the emotional stress of a divorce heave a profound sigh of relief when the proceeding is finished and the court has entered its final order. Unfortunately, any expectation of future tranquility can be dashed by the refusal of one of...