Having custody of your children is your only goal as you go through divorce. You’ve fought to show that your spouse is less deserving of their time and to show how much you play a role in their lives. While you are trying to seek primary custody, it’s important to be...
Focusing On Family Law – And You
Month: March 2020
Consider shared parenting after divorce
Shared parenting is a model in which children have access to both parents for equal amounts of time. Both adults get a say in how the kids are raised, and they both have a chance to build their own life. This 50-50 method of parenting has remarkable benefits for...
Talking with children about their divorce concerns
Announcing to your children that you and your spouse are going to get divorced is not an easy conversation to have. The kids may not really understand how to process it and it can be stressful for everyone -- even when you and your spouse know that divorce is right...
Fighting for grandparent visitation rights during divorce
It’s no secret that human connection makes us stronger. If a divorce in your family puts your relationship with your grandchildren in jeopardy, a strong intergenerational bond is a cause worth defending. As long as a bond already exists between you and your...
Questions people ask about divorce
Getting divorced can be stressful and not only for the reasons you think of first. Yes, ending a relationship is stressful in its own right but remember that most people have never gone through it before. That means it brings a lot of unknowns. They feel like they...
Debt linked to divorce
According to one study, the top reason for divorce is infidelity. The second, though, is something a lot less dramatic: disagreements about money. When couples do not agree on their finances and end up arguing over money issues, they tend to end those disagreements by...
Working through divorce matters with your ex
Divorce is a complicated time for most people. You probably know that the relationship isn’t any good for you, but you’ll still probably go through some of the negative emotions that come with the end of a marriage. Learning how to cope with the emotional turmoil at a...
Consider shared parenting after divorce
Shared parenting is a model in which children have access to both parents for equal amounts of time. Both adults get a say in how the kids are raised, and they both have a chance to build their own life. This 50-50 method of parenting has remarkable benefits for...
How to tell your kids you are getting a divorce
When your marriage is ending, the number one thing you worry about is how your children will take the news. Chances are, your kids already feel the divorce coming before you say anything. Because kids are intuitive, they sense when your marriage is becoming more...