When you think about divorce rates, marriage rates and child custody situations in the United States, it’s important not to assume that the same numbers apply to everyone evenly. There is, as it turns out, a big difference in how things play out, depending on where...
Focusing On Family Law – And You
Month: April 2020
Parenting plan tips: Things you don’t want to overlook
When you and your soon-to-be-ex spouse sit down to discuss the parenting plan for your children, you’re probably prepared with a list of issues that need to be discussed, including summer vacations, holidays and birthdays. However, it’s the little things that you may...
Why legal separation may make more sense than a ‘gray’ divorce
Divorce rates are down -- except among seniors. Divorce rates in America for couples who are over 50 years old have risen dramatically in the last few decades. However, a gray divorce isn’t your only option if you’re unhappily wed and older. A legal separation might...
When do the California courts consider sole custody in a divorce?
For divorcing couples who share children, the custody arrangements for those kids will often be the most hotly contested issue. Both parents will want to protect their relationship with the children, which could potentially lead to a custody battle. However, for most...
Emergency custody orders in California: What you need to know
Your parenting plan has been virtually set in stone for a while now -- but you’re genuinely concerned about your child’s safety while they’re with their other parent for some reason. What can you do? Normally, any kind of modification to an existing custody order and...