For divorcing couples, it is helpful to take a look at how property division is conducted during a California divorce. California is a community property division state which helps determine how property will be divided if the couple decides to divorce or domestic...
Focusing On Family Law – And You
Month: September 2021
Is your spouse hiding assets from you?
California is a community property state, which means that the marital estate should be divided equally. That sounds easy enough, but the truth of the matter is that the process is oftentimes more complicated than many people realize. One reason is because spouse’s...
Parental substance abuse can seriously harm your child
Even with the relaxation of marijuana laws in California, illegal drug use continues to plague the state. While drug addiction can have serious ramifications for those who suffer from the condition, children who are exposed to parental substance abuse can be...
Amending an order for child support and custody
Many California couples whose marriages end in divorce expect the divorce decree to be a permanent part of their lives, that is, they will see their children when and where the decree provides, and in most cases, one spouse will be required to pay child and spousal...