A Trusted Advocate For Paternity Issues
At the law firm of Macksoud Macksoud & Davis, LLP, in Torrance, California, we provide experienced legal representation for mothers and fathers involved in paternity proceedings to aggressively protect and enforce their rights. We have extensive experience handling a broad range of family law issues, including those related to establishing paternity.
When a child is born to an unmarried couple, California law provides both parents with the right to seek orders for a determination of parentage, as well as child custody and visitation and child support. At times, a proceeding may be brought by a government agency to establish a child support order for the benefit of the custodial parent or to reimburse the county for welfare benefits provided to a child. However, such government actions are generally limited to issues of child support and do not involve child custody or visitation.
Protect Your Custody Rights And Financial Rights
Unfortunately, many men and women wait until after they have gotten a bad result in a paternity or child support proceeding before they contact an attorney. While we can file motions with the court to modify an existing custody, visitation or child support order, it is far better to obtain an attorney before an adverse order is entered.
If you are involved in a paternity case, protect your parental and financial rights by contacting an attorney as soon as possible. The sooner you contact an attorney, the more options your attorney will have to pursue a favorable result in your case.
Talk With A Knowledgeable Paternity Lawyer
Our attorneys are well-versed in California paternity laws and can provide you with valuable advice concerning your rights and obligations. To arrange a consultation with an experienced family law attorney in Torrance, call us at 310-961-2989 or contact us online.